
Selamat Hari Wanita 2017


A Non Muslim came to an Aalim and asked: Why is it Not Permissible in Islam for a Woman to shake hands with a Man.

The Aalim said: Can you shake hands with the Queen

The Non Muslim said: Of course not, there are only certain people who can shake hands with the Queen.

The Aalim then replied: Our Women are Queens and Queens do not shake hands with strange men.

Then the Non Muslim asked another Question: Why do your women cover up their bodies.

The Aalim smiled and got two sweets, he opened the first one and kept the other one closed. He threw them both on the dusty floor and asked the Non Muslim: If I asked you to take one of the sweets from the floor,which one will you take.

The Non Muslim replied: The covered one of course.

The Aalim said: That's how we treat and see our women.

The Non Muslim then asked: Show me God if he exists.

The Aalim Replied: Look straight into the Sun.

Non muslim Replied: I Can't see, the Rays are hurting my eyes.

The Aalim Said: If you can't look at the Creation of God then how will you be able to Look at the Creator.

Lastly the Non Muslim invited the Aalim to his house and gave him some Grapes, the Aalim eat them, then the Non Muslim offered him a cup of wine, the Aalim refused, the Non Muslim asked him how come you Muslims are forbidden drink wine and yet you eat grapes, although the wine comes from grapes.

The Aalim Replied: Do you have a daughter
He said yes,

The Aalim asked him could you marry her

The Non Muslim said no, the Aalim said SubhanAllah, you marry her mother and can't marry her although she came from her too.

A must read please ....
Awsome message!...
feel proud to be a muslim,
treasure it and preserve the great gift of Imaan which Allah s.w.t has blessed you with.



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Pendapat penulis tidak semestinya kekal dan sebarang kesalahan tatabahasa dan ejaan adalah disengajakan bagi menghasilkan karya yang santai serta mudah difahami.

Terima Kasih ..

Risi Yusoff